How I turned my SAD (Socially Anxious) life around in 12 weeks (+12 years)
I recall peeping through the curtains at my house. I wanted to ensure “the coast was clear” of neighbors, before darting into my car to go to the store. My heart would beat faster as I approached the checkout counter. I feared the clerk would ask me “how’re you doing?” How do you even respond to “How’re you doing”? Am I actually expected to describe my day? Perplexed, I once asked an American friend who said — you say “Hi”, or you can say whatever you’re thinking. I understood this explanation about 5 years after my therapy for Social Anxiety. But I’m getting ahead of my story One night, like many nights before, I lay in bed, wide awake. I was re-living mortifying moments from the past evening, over and over. I went downstairs and googled “embarrassment at dinner”. A trail of links lead to the discovery that I had a “condition” called “Social Anxiety Disorder”: SAD. I had been shy all my life and never realized that it was a “disorder”. I had assumed it was my personality & I was